Created by Tomas George

What are you going to learn in the course?

  • 45-minutes and 7 HD Video Lectures

    The skills you learn in this course will teach you how to create thumbnails, presentations and animated streaming message to use with your videos

  • This course will cover such topics as :

    How to Create a YouTube Thumbnails from a Template and from Scratch, How to Edit a Presentation Template, and How to Create Animated Streaming Messages

  • How will this course help me?

    You’ll learn how to create looking images, video clips and presentations for free in Canva to improve the quality of your videos

Course curriculum

  • 1

    How to Create YouTube Thumbnails with Canva

    • Create a YouTube Thumbnail with Canva - Part 1: Create from a Template
    • Create a YouTube Thumbnail with Canva - Part 2: Create Design from Scratch
  • 2

    How to use Canva for Presentations

  • 3

    Create an Animated Streaming Message with Canva

    • Create an Animated Streaming Messages in Canva and Adding this to OBS
  • 4

    Thanks and Bye

    • Thanks and Bye

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